"Quel dolce sogno..." eseguito al concerto FOR PEACE

On Saturday 14 December 2024 the concert “FOR PEACE” was held, six world premieres of melologues against war, in support of the reasons for peace.
Pieces by six composers were performed: Alessandra Bellino (Sopramondo), Salvatore Passantino (Natale 1914), Luca Lombardi (Quel dolce sogno…), Alessandro Solbiati (El viejo canto), Salvatore Sciarrino (La voce del sangue) and Alessandro Melchiorre (Dass, was war).

Quel dolce sogno…
Man is terrible and wonderful – and also very short-sighted: instead of allying himself with his fellow men to prevent and contain natural disasters, he fights and kills them, destroys his environment and kills – for food or for fun – even other animals.
The various periods of his history are actually sub-periods of what I call the Age of War, in which we have been since homo sapiens appeared on Earth.
With the precious help of Michele Napolitano, I have chosen some fragments from the writing On Perpetual Peace by Immanuel Kant, who, in 1795, posed the problem of how to achieve lasting peace between peoples – a writing, unfortunately, still relevant today.
Will we ever be able to emerge from the Age of War? Or will we continue to proceed towards self-destruction, thus showing, despite the astonishing progress achieved in our short history, that we are, ultimately, one of the stupidest species among those that populate our planet?


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