Musiche dalla Shoa

On 27 January 2022 at 5:00 pm, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance, the “Musiche dalla Shoah”event will be held at the New Teatro Ateneo of the La Sapienza University of Rome, a concert of music written by composers in prison in Nazi concentration camps.

In addition to the pieces in the program, by Józef Kropiński, Samuel Cohen, Hermann Gürtler, Robert Marcel Gosschalk and Friedrich Schwarz, two of them by contemporary authors, Luca Lombardi and Yosef Karduner, inspired by the Shoah, will be performed.

Three Movements from “Warum?”, by Luca Lombardi, Second Quartet for strings, will be performed.

The music will alternate with the reading of passages taken from the writings of Liliana Segre.


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