"Quel dolce sogno..." eseguito al concerto FOR PEACE

On Saturday 14 December 2024 the concert “FOR PEACE” was held, six world premieres of melologues against war, in support of the reasons for peace.
Pieces by six composers were performed: Alessandra Bellino (Sopramondo), Salvatore Passantino (Natale 1914), Luca Lombardi (Quel dolce sogno…), Alessandro Solbiati (El viejo canto), Salvatore Sciarrino (La voce del sangue) and Alessandro Melchiorre (Dass, was war).

Quel dolce sogno…
Man is terrible and wonderful – and also very short-sighted: instead of allying himself with his fellow men to prevent and contain natural disasters, he fights and kills them, destroys his environment and kills – for food or for fun – even other animals.
The various periods of his history are actually sub-periods of what I call the Age of War, in which we have been since homo sapiens appeared on Earth.
With the precious help of Michele Napolitano, I have chosen some fragments from the writing On Perpetual Peace by Immanuel Kant, who, in 1795, posed the problem of how to achieve lasting peace between peoples – a writing, unfortunately, still relevant today.
Will we ever be able to emerge from the Age of War? Or will we continue to proceed towards self-destruction, thus showing, despite the astonishing progress achieved in our short history, that we are, ultimately, one of the stupidest species among those that populate our planet?


La Scuola Romana

On November 30, 2024, Roberto Prosseda performed a program dedicated to the “Roman school” at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Rome. By Luca Lombardi he performed Mendelssohn im Jüdischen Museum Berlin, a piece dedicated to Prosseda himself, who performed it for the first time at the Jewish Museum in Berlin, and since then countless times everywhere.

The concert was included in the program of Roma Tre Orchestra, in collaboration with the Capitoline Superintendence.


Salvation at the last moment - Reading and Music

On January 29, 2024, on the occasion of Remembrance Day, the show “Salvation at the Last Moment” will take place in Berlin, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Berlin, with the patronage of the Italian Embassy, at Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin in (Fasanenstrasse 79-80). Texts by Giulio Busi and Silvana Greco recited by the actors Stella Maria Adorf and Georg Stephan Music (“Six Musical Reflections”) by Luca Lombardi, performed by the pianist Alessandra Ammara. Click HERE for more information

“Minima Animalia” by Luca Lombardi for the Pordenone Music Award given to Elio

Important recognition for Stefano Belisari (aka Elio) at the Pordenone Theatre.
On this occasion Elio will hold one of his much-appreciated concerts with Roberto Prosseda, at the end of which -dulcis in fundo- he will perform the songs (to his lyrics) by Luca Lombardi.

For more information:




"Ophelia-Fragmente": performance

Berlin, 30.5.2023 – 20:00 h


BKA-Theater, Mehringdamm 34, 10961 Berlin


Unerhörte Musik

Tiziana Scandaletti, Soprano

Riccardo Piacentini, Piano


Luca Lombardi Ophelia-Fragmente (1982)

(Text: Heiner Müller)

For Voice and piano


Live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/AgsqH7D33kU?feature=share 


“ … Lombardis Stück ist ein hochdramatisches Werk über die Figur der Ophelia, die von Heiner Müller aufgegriffen wurde, mit einer beeindruckenden Mischung aus Einfachheit und Komplexität…“


“… Lombardi’s piece is a highly dramatic work about the character of Ophelia, which was taken up by Heiner Müller, with an impressive mixture of simplicity and complexity…”


“The realistic artist does not avoid ugliness… But he does not stop there either. He overcomes ugliness in two respects: First, through the beauty of his representation (which has nothing to do with glossing over or palliation), and, secondly, by showing ugliness as a social phenomenon.”

These sentences by Bertolt Brecht seem to me well-suited to explain my reasons for setting two fragments from the Hamletmaschine by Heiner Müller (whom I consider one of the most important writers of our time).  For I think that only by facing reality (which, at the moment, is hopeless) with open eyes, by not covering it with a well-meaning aesthetic patina—only then can we hold on to what is most important, namely hope.

[Luca Lombardi, 1982]


A concert on the occasion of an exhibition of the painter Rudolf Levy (Stettin 1875 – Auschwitz 1944) will take place on Sunday 12th February 2023 at 4 pm in the Sala Bianca of Palazzo Pitti, piazza de’ Pitti 1, Florence. Realized on the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Italy (Ambassador Viktor Elbling), the concert is organized by the Music School of Fiesole (Director Alexander Lonquich), in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Florence (President Enrico Fink) and the Gallerie of the Uffizi (Director Eike Schmidt).
The Shaborúz Quartet will perform the Quartet op. 18 no. 2 by Ludwig van Beethoven and “Warum?” by Luca Lombardi.
The composition (written in 2006) is a musical reflection on two aspects of German history: great culture, in this case musical, and the barbarism of Nazism.

Here a performance of the composition by the Shaborúz Quartet (on “La Stanza della Musica” – Rai Radio3)

Concerto in ricordo di Rudolf Levy – Press Release_ITA


In the early 1980s, Heiner Müller gave Luca Lombardi the still unpublished text of his theater piece Hamletmaschine. Lombardi intended originary to draw from it an opera and composed a first version of two scenes from the play, which he titled Ophelia-Fragmente (for female voice and piano). The composition was performed for the first time in 1982 in Berlin by Frederic Rzewski and Roswitha Trexler.

Since then the composition has been performed around the world by many different performers. The “Duo Alterno” by Tiziana Scandaletti and Riccardo Piacentini performed it many times and recorded it on CD (La voce contemporanea in Italia, vol, 3, stradivarius STR 33769). The next performance of the piece by this excellent Duo will take place in Luxembourg on October 4th, 2022 (see poster).

Mendelssohn and Lombardi at Lake Albano and Frascati

On 29th September 2022 the Mendelssohn-Gesellschaft of Berlin organizes a visit to the Castelli Romani, which will be divided into two different but connected moments: first a visit to the home of Luca Lombardi and his wife Miriam Meghnagi, during which Maestro Lombardi will talk about his work, his links with German culture and his relationship with Felix Mendelssohn’s music. There will also be pianists Alessandra Ammara and Roberto Prosseda, who will perform two compositions by Lombardi. This will be followed by a guided tour of Villa Falconieri in Frascati (a beautiful villa that was still owned by the Mendelssohn family in the 19 century), where Ammara and Prosseda, among the best Italian pianists of today, will perform a Mendelssohnian program that will also include the composition by Lombardi Mendelssohn im jüdischen Museum Berlin, dedicated to Roberto Prosseda, who performed it many times, after the world premiere, which took place in 2014 at the Jewish Museum of Berlin itself.


“The Evolution of Knowledge”

A conference on “The Evolution of Knowledge” in honor of Jürgen Renn will take place from 14 to 16 July in Trieste (SISSA – International School of Advanced Studies).

On the evening of 14 July, at the Miramare Castle, Luca Lombardi will hold a communication entitled “Hay que caminar” for the participants of the conference. The performance of some pieces by Lombardi by the pianist Alessandra Ammara will follow.

Introduction by Marco Maria Tosolini.

Luca Lombardi's "Minima Animalia" at the "Arte ai piedi della montagna" festival with Elio and Roberto Prosseda

On April 13, 2022, at the Teatro Flavio Vespasiano in Rieti, as part of the “Arte ai piedi della montagna” festival, the recital “Largo al factotum”, interpreted by Elio, and accompanied on the piano by Roberto Prosseda.

The show represents a refined excursus into the history of music, from Rossini to Mozart, to The Threepenny Opera by Kurt Weill, to the contemporary compositions by Luca Lombardi.

Musiche dalla Shoa

On 27 January 2022 at 5:00 pm, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance, the “Musiche dalla Shoah”event will be held at the New Teatro Ateneo of the La Sapienza University of Rome, a concert of music written by composers in prison in Nazi concentration camps.

In addition to the pieces in the program, by Józef Kropiński, Samuel Cohen, Hermann Gürtler, Robert Marcel Gosschalk and Friedrich Schwarz, two of them by contemporary authors, Luca Lombardi and Yosef Karduner, inspired by the Shoah, will be performed.

Three Movements from “Warum?”, by Luca Lombardi, Second Quartet for strings, will be performed.

The music will alternate with the reading of passages taken from the writings of Liliana Segre.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1s4OlDA9CY”

Josquin Desprez & Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin

We are pleased to inform you about the world première of the new composition by Luca Lombardi
“Josquin Desprez & Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin”,
commissioned by the Max Planck-Institute for the History of Science, on the occasion of the exhibition “Leonardo’s Intellectual Cosmos”.
The event will take place on Monday 28th June 2021 at 17.00, at the Berlin State Library/ Otto-Braun-Saal (Potsdamer Strasse 37, 10785 Berlin).
Performers: ensemble unitedberlin
Conductor: Ferenc Gábor

Conversazioni con Petrassi

I am very happy that my Conversations with Goffredo Petrassi, published for the first time over 30 ago, have come out again, for the Edizioni Neoclassica.

This new edition, revised and corrected, is enriched by an afterword by Antonio Rostagno.

Petrassi remains – and still has a lot to teach the new generations and all of us.


Conversazioni con Petrassi
by Luca Lombardi
(With afterword by Antonio Rostagno and cover by Daniele Simonelli)
Published by Edizioni Neoclassica
182 pages
ISBN: 978 88 93740 40 1

"Ruolo e funzione della musica contemporanea nella nostra società"

Sabato 3 Ottobre 2020, h. 16:00

presso l’abitazione privata di Luca Lombardi e Miriam Meghnagi


incontro sul tema

Ruolo e funzione della musica contemporanea nella nostra società

in collaborazione con il CIRMI (Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Musicale e Interdisciplinare) e Quinte Parallele.

il musicologo Antonio Rostagno (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
i filosofi Carlo Serra e Carlo Sini;
i compositori Fabio Massimo Capogrosso, Giordano De Nisi, Francesco Filidei, Luca Lombardi, Vittorio Montalti, Michele Sarti, Riccardo Panfili;
la cantautrice e psicoanalista Miriam Meghnagi.


Moderatore: Valerio Sebastiani – Quinte Parallele


Per saperne di più, CLICCA QUI

Per vedere lo streaming dell’incontro,

Warum? per quartetto d'archi

Sunday, 18th novemebr 2018 7 PM
Chemnitz Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz


for string quartet 


Ensemble 01:

Andreas Winkler e Ruth Petrovitsch, Violin

Ulla Walenta, Viola

Thomas Bruder, Cello

Introduction and conversation: Luca Lombardi and Ivonne Dippmann

for more information click here


Nino Contini, giovane avvocato ebreo, fu arrestato il 20 giugno 1940. Fu tra i primi ad essere internato per la solidarietà che subito manifestò nei confronti dei profughi ebrei tedeschi. I figli, Bruno e Leo Contini, a distanza di oltre sessant’anni, hanno pubblicato i suoi diari, fonte ispiratrice della composizione di Luca Lombardi “Dal Diario di Nino Contini: 20.06.1940” per baritono e pianoforte, la cui prima esecuzione assoluta è avvenuta al Museo della Shoah Yad Vashem di Gerusalemme.

La prima italiana avverrà al MaMu il 24 gennaio alle ore 19:00, eseguita, come già a Gerusalemme, da Saul Contini (figlio di Leo e nipote di Nino), accompagnato al pianoforte da Giovanni Brollo. Saul sarà con noi a presentarci questo nuovo brano e a far rivivere con la sua voce il ricordo del nonno.

Il programma comprende anche brani di Herbert Pagani interpretati da Saul Contini (baritono), Giovanni Brollo (pianoforte) e Maurizio Pancotti (chitarra).

diari nino contini